Professinal wooden door factory from China
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Cleaning & Care



1. Do not walk or put heavy items on any door. Some doors contain glass.

2. Avoid dragging doors across one another and keep doors clean.

3. Store flat on a level surface in a dry, well ventilated building.

4. Door frame should not be installed on the wet wall, make sure the wall is dry or choose WPC frame from us.

5. Doors should not be subjected to extreme or rapid changes in heat or humidity.

6. PVC coated MDF doors are covered by free-lacquering film, make sure all of doors get away from sharp objects to avoid scratch or damage.

7. Doors should not be exposed to the sun for long time.

8. Use warm water, mild soap or detergent, and a soft sponge or cloth to clean the surface, then let the door dry out immediately.

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